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The Dieselfication of Coach 1046
Author: BigRabbitMan (Show all albums)

This album is dedicated to following the process of Coach #1046 being converted from a 1976 Chrysler 440-I with a 4spd Allison AT540 transmission to a 2006 GMC Duramax LBZ turbo diesel with a 6spd Allison 1000 double overdrive transmission. There is a companion discussion thread in the Mechanic's Corner section of the Forum area of this site.
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This is the transmision I.D. plate which gives the model and the internal configeration.

Meanwhile, Eric is back under the donor vehicle getting the last of the wiring harness loose.

Mark is looking satisfied after a long day with the transmission in my pickup ready to go to the Allison dealer for the conversion.

The transmission has now been separated.

See the bolt pattern that fits the four wheel drive transfer case (previously removed).

The transmission will have to come off and have the tail shaft and it's housing changed from one for a 4x4 to a 4x2 with driveline brake.

Here is a closer view of the engine and transmission.

And it is out!

Now it is back to the extraction process. Here my son, Mark, in brown and Eric are doing final preparations for the actual extraction of the Duramax engine and Allison transmission from the donor vehicle.

Another FMC owner's coach had an engine problem, so the engine I removed is headed out to continue its life powering a different FMC Motor Coach.

... this! It really looks good in my view! Now the process of adding things back onto the firewall will begin. It will be much, much neater and with a more functional arrangement than before.

After many hours working from this chair, on knees or bending and twisting in all sorts of directions, the three layers of the engine compartment relining has resulted in an engine compartment that looks like ...
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